I shall officially announce that yes, I'm in love with Dong Bang Shin Ki! It's all Meiyan's fault!! Haha. I've moved on from the impressed level to impressed and in love with them level. Haha. Now I'm contemplating if I should spend almost $77 on their DVD. Saw the trailer. Looks super funny and it's a 5 DVD package. 12hrs of DBSK! My gosh, DBSK galore! But, it's still $77. Someone please help me! But I can forget about asking Meiyan and my twinnie twin twin for opinion, cause they will sure try and psycho me to buy! And Meiyan is already trying. Haha.
Of course you guys also know that I like to spread the love, so my first target was my twinnie twin twin, Alicia! Guess what? I took less then 2hrs and she got hooked immediately. But that's good news to me. Why? Someone for me to share nice clips with! And I'm like sending people DBSK's clips, but I forgot to send the concert! Stupid me! Shall not go into detail about how crazy my twinnie twin twin is about DBSK, but I need to say this, she is really obsessed cause she called our econs project group, Group DBSK and she listens to Rising Sun like 20 times a day and watch their MV like another 10 more times per day. Hahaha.
Short ranting. A bit brain dead from the past few sleepless days due to project. But before I leave, I shall end off this with a picture of DBSK. My personal favourite! :)