Exams are finally over...
Exams are over!!!! Bleah. But I'm in no mood to celebrate much. Why? Cause I screwed my last paper. If it's just a plain I won't do well, it's not so bad. For this case, it's a I 90% will fail the module. And to make matters worse, if I fail this, I most likely won't be able to take Maritime Tech 2 next semester! Bah!!! But it's over, I can't do anything about it. Sian.
But still, to maintain the tradition of going out after the last paper to celebrate, I went out with James, Ber, Aud and Jenna to Liang Court to eat Japanese Bento set. Haha. Weird? The Bento sets are quite expensive, but is really nice. Went to the supermarket to buy sashimi somemore. Haha. And can I say this? Japanese drinks are so cute!!! Oh, and the chocolates they produce taste so good, sometimes I wish I live in Japan. Haha!
Have the slight flu since wednesday. Which means I can't sing properly!! That's super bad news to me. Haha. But still, I'm looking forward to all the trips. I really can't wait. But please let the flu bug go away before I step out of Singapore. Pretty please?