I know I promised that this blog would be happier, but hey, there will be periods of lows right? Anyway, I can forsee that this will be the last post that is not so happy in a long while.
To grossy XH, thanks for dedicating half of your blog entry to me! So touched! So here's one to you. Hope things are fine between the two of you. I don't dare to ask you straight in the face, cause it's kind of awkward. Haha. Anything, just come over ok? My broom is waiting for you to kop also. Haha. Really enjoyed the dinner tonight with you and grossy bingz. It's been a long while since the Yao Gui Family and the Gian Peng Family met up. After ML's A-levels, we must go out ok? Very long never see her, I kind of miss her and our stupid antics. :)
To the main topic. Hall = Lonely. Never been more true. I guess it's something within me to want to be noticed so when I don't get the attention that I want, I start to feel inferior and start scrutinising myself. I hate it when I do that to myself. But I can't help it. I'm very quiet and shy in front of people I don't know. All my friends and family know that. Come on, people's first impression of me is always that I'm a very quiet girl. But when they get to know me, they will realise how wrong they were. I don't want to start comparing myself to others cause it'll bring me no where. But thinking about it, it's already what? 3 months since school started? And the number of people I know, as in I talk to, can be counted on 1 hand, excluding Karen. Yes! 1 hand!!! Hai, maybe I should learn to seek comfort in the shadows. Forget the sun, forget the lights, maybe darkness is what suits me more.