Last post of 2007
My last post for 2007. Short summary of what happened the past few days.
25th Dec 2007.
It's Christmas and as usual, we headed down to granny's house for celebration. And I got my long awaited presents. Haha. Basically, that's about it.
28th Dec 2007.
Results are out. I did ok. Mostly Bs. But I expected slightly better lah. But oh well. Went for lunch at Tung Lok at Central with my aunts and granny and mum and cousins. As what they say. One mother bring 5 daughters and one daughter-in-law who brought their younger daughters and 2 monsters. Wahaha! After the lunch and some shopping, met the TJ grossies for dinner! Sherlyn jie n Mich jie joined us too. But they left right after dinner. We TJ grossies did some walking around and I bought more stuff.
30th Dec 2007.
Bowling with cousins. I finally hit the 100 mark! wootz! And for both games some more. Haha. First game was consistent with a couple of spares. Second game was not so. The wasted the first 3 sets but luckily managed to strike twice in a row and had another spare. But still, not enough to save my score. My first game had a higher score. Wahaha. After bowling, played The Rat Race at Uncle James' clubhouse. I won! Wootz! But it's a long game. Played for hours. Then headed to granny's house to plya mahjong.
31st Dec 2007.
It's today. Went kbox with Ngian and Jas before Jas flies off to Shanghai. Going to Audrey jie's house for countdown plus possibly tong xiao mahjong.
That's about it. 2007 is coming to an end. It's been an eventful year. Many things happened. I experienced the saddest moments of my life so far, but have since picked myself up. My wish for 2008 will be that everyone I know stay healthy and happy. I study harder to get my As. Have a wonderful 21st birthday. And enjoy the 2nd half of 2008 happily in Norway. And a secret wish. (I wish I get to meet Jaejoong in person.) WAHAHAHAHAHA!
So everyone. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)
...jotting it down,
on Monday, December 31, 2007
Genting Highlands
A short summary of my little getaway to Genting with Uncle James and family. :)
21st Dec 2007 Friday:
Woke up super early despite the late night. Supposed to meet Uncle James at 6.30am anyway, though he came late. Haha. Then, the usual. Met for breakfast, travelled to Woodlands Checkpoint. Some more travelling, and stops in between. On the way up the mountain, I finally saw something very interesting. A container? I don't know what is that called, but I saw a vehicle transporting and ELEPHANT! Can you believe it? Seeing an elephant while travelling up to Genting. Amusing. Too bad I was too slow to take a picture of it. Technically, when we reached Genting, it was already about 2 plus 3. And we still had to wait to check-in. So in the mean time, I accompanied the children to cyber. Haha. My first ever experience cybering. Haha. But cyber is so expensive that I'm glad I'm not into it. Haha. But oh well, to kill time, I'll do anything. :)
Got our room. Room 16 936. Corner room! Wootz! Means that it is slightly bigger. HAHAHA!
The rest of the day was spent shopping, dinnering, playing pool and resting.
22nd Dec 2007 Saturday:
2nd day of the trip and it's time for the themepark! Ok, seriously, the rides were ok only. Haha. Go-kart gave me a headache cause it was shaking so violently that my head kept pounding. Oh, and they gave us showercap to wear. Haha. Amusing. For the outdoor rides, it's the first that I dared to not hold anything and enjoy some of the rides. For a person who is afriad of heights, I'm proud of myself. Haha!
Breaked for lunch at Marry Brown. The cup was cute, but the chicken, erm, I prefer KFC lah. Haha! After lunch, we decided that thrilling rides will make us vomit out our lunch, so we went to bowl! Wootz! My ultimate aim! Played 3 games! Improved my score after each game. Though still very low, but still, considering that I really haven't touch bowling for a long while and I don't get to play it very often, ok lah! I managed to spare twice in a row lah! Wootz! Luckily we bowled after lunch, cause it started to rain. When we finished bowling, it was still drizzling, so we decided to go take the 4D Motion Master. Queued so long for it, and let me tell you. It's the worst I've ever sat in and I can say, it will be the worst! Minimal movement, storyline boring, pictures were blur, and what 4D? Blow air also counted as the 4th D??? So so so so disappointed. Bleahz! But after the 4D thingy, we went out to play again. Foggy! But wasn't as cold as I expected it. Played till dinner time. After dinner, I was left with the children to take the indoor rides. And we stopped at 10.40pm cause nothing else to play. We didn't want to take the super slow rides. Even my 7 year old cousin also refuse to take the slow rides. She wanted to take all the thrilling rides. Haha! Went back to the room and played blackjack for a while, watched a bit of DBSK ( Dangerous Love and First Love) and thats the end of the day.
23rd Dec 2007 Sunday:
Final day. Breakfast, shop and then go back home.
Thats about it. My uninteresting, but nice getaway. At least I fulfilled my aim of getting out of the country this holidays. :)
Pictures might be up soon. I hope. Must get my photographs from Uncles James and consolidate with mine first. :)
...jotting it down,
on Monday, December 24, 2007
MacDonald Birthday
Today, went to King Albert Park's Mac to celebrate Alicia's 21st birthday. My first ever Mac birthday and oh my gosh, I will never attend another Mac birthday!
Haha. Not because the service was no good or anything, but seriously, we were treated like KIDS! Haha. And it was totally amusing.
Why do I say that it is amusing? Firstly, the chairs were so tiny, probably for Kindergarten kids. Secondly, we had birthday hats! Thirdly, the lady made us do the chicken dance and called it a game. Fourthly, she made us stand in a straight line, put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front and say "toot-toot" like a choo choo train! Fifth, she made us wash our hands before we can eat. Sixth, she made us come back in a choo choo train and made us walk one whole big round in the Mac! So paiseh! Seventh, she called us boys and girls and children and she called herself auntie. The best part, she is only 19! Even Jas and I are older then her lah! And we are the youngest of the bunch. Eighth, we had happy meal. Nineth, Alicia got a Mac bday cake and she made us cover our mouth with our left hand, cause we cannot blow out the candles. -.-||| . Tenth, we got balloons and the Happy Meal package.
See?? Haha. Seriously, it was so amusing that I couldn't stop laughing. But kudos to that girl, cause she could still pull it off and call us children! HAHAHA!
But kinda embarassing. Luckily that Mac not a lot of people. Hahaha!
:) One Mac birthday party in my lifetime is enough. :)
...jotting it down,
on Wednesday, December 19, 2007
DBSK + Fried Chicken = DBSK
I need to blog about today! Finally went into the fried chicken restaurant that DBSK dai yan in Korea. Well, I totally didn't take any photos of the food cause my eyes were practically glued to the screen. Haha. They were showing the 3rd album showcase. In chi subs though. Luckily my chi not that bad. Haha. Seriously, I rarely payed any attention to what I was eating. I wasn't even interested in the menu. Haha. But the food was not that bad. 7 people about 60plus. Not that expensive right? With dessert and drinks and main course and stuff, I would say that it was quite worth it. The waitress who served us was good. Did a lot of recommendations. Could hear her though my eyes were still glued to the screen. I think I looked like a fool cause I can't help but smile at some of the scenes being shown.
In conclusion, DBSK + Fried Chicken = DBSK
Bought japanese dictionaries. Time to learn new vocabularies and recognise Kanji. :)
...jotting it down,
on Tuesday, December 11, 2007
In Bliss...
Yesterday was Mark kor kor's wedding! Woke up early in the morning to go over to Zee Gou (2nd Aunt)'s house for the very traditional tea ceremony. Of course, I got no part in it, but still, must go and take ang bao! Hahaha!
After that, I followed Audrey Jie and Sherlyn Jie back to their place to have my nails done. Once in a while must pretty pretty mah. Haha. But the shop was so busy, we decided to DIY. Ok, technically only Sherlyn Jie did the work. I only had to sit back, relax and wait to be served. Haha!
Headed down to Sentosa early for the solemnization ceremony. My first ever solemnization ceremony! So exciting. But one down side was, it was supposed to be done at the beach, but due to the weather, the venue had to be changed to the lobby of Rasa Sentosa.
Their vows are so sweet! When the bride was reading her vow, she started to cry slightly. But she still managed to finish her vow. Awww, so sweet. I can feel how happy she is. Blissful.
The dinner was ok. The waiter like didn't want to serve me drinks. Make me angry. Hahaha. But overall, it was ok. Liked their clips and all. Very sweet. I'm in this mode of wanting to get married. Haha. But I should first concentrate on getting a boyfriend ya? Haha. Oh well, some things cannot be rushed. :)
My Prince Charming/Knight in Shining Armour, please come soon! HAHAHA!
Some random photos from my hp below. Not a lot cause I was using a digital camera to take photos. But the camera isn't mine, so I shall have to wait.
The view from the lobby of Rasa Sentosa

Solemnization Ceremony

Pretty me. Hehe.

The Wedding Cake

...jotting it down,
New Block, New Room, New Roomie...
I'm now officially a 38-er. Seriously, I'm sad to leave my room. I like it when I open the door, I know that no one can look in and see me. I like it when I open my window, I can only see the expressway. Haiz. 37-4-702. Bye bye. :(
Moved all my things into Serene's room, which is now my room too. And packed too. So I'm officially ready to sleep there. But I really don't know if I can get used to it immediately. Oh well, I've already returned my old room keys and gotten my new ones. So, oh well. At least I know that my roomie now is a friend and not some weird strangers. Haha! And a good reason for me to start clearing stuff and packing. And also to put up my DBSK posters. Haha!
New block, new room, new roomie and a whole new sem! It's a new beginning. :)
...jotting it down,
on Friday, December 07, 2007
Today is such a tiring day! And only because of one reason. Cause I "silly-ly" agreed to help Meizhen pack her room! For those who know, Meizhen's room is the ultimate mess and not to mention, dirty too. Spent like 4-5hrs clearing her dirty room and it took one whole lorry to transport her stuff! Mind you, she stays in a single room! Technically,we had 5 people packing her stuff for her and we all had to run like more then 10 times up and down. 4th floor leh! No lift! And the amount of things she have, my gosh, even me, the self-proclaimed garang guni woman, cannot fight!
Too tired! Can't even blog. *yawns*
When I get the pictures from Zhenhao, I'll upload them up. Scary!
...jotting it down,
on Sunday, December 02, 2007