Finally I hit a 100 posts. Phew!
I'm not exactly the most fervent blogger and I had to admit that I almost forgot about this blog in my period of hiatus. :/
Anyway, to celebrate my 100th post, I shall spazz about this one very special boyband that has stayed in my heart longer than any other bands have. Hehe. 10years and going strong. :) ARASHI!
Okok, I admit that there were times where they were second fiddle to my new obsessions with other boybands. BUT! I also realised that they cannot be replaced. No matter how long I've not been following their news, there will still be times where I'll think about them and start googling and then fall back in love with them. Each and every time, I'm just able to find new reasons to justify my love for them.
I guess I could go on and on for hours just talking about them. And so I will! :)
No matter how many times I rewatch old episodes of Mago Mago Arashi, I never fail to fall in love with this series. Seriously, why did it have to stop?! Arashi as grandkids were like DA BEST! Not to mention whenever it's an Ohmiya episode, it'll get me all super excited. :) Even when it become Kodomo no Bangohan for a while, it's still nice to see Arashi with kids! You'll know what kind of Papas they will be. LOL!
Shukudai kun has just ended it's run and moved on to a new series. Seriously, there were episodes that were totally hilarious, and some others that were not too exciting. But this variety has never failed to make me hungry! (ok, except episodes when the guests ask for mushroom dishes, sometimes weird stamina dishes...eeuw) I wonder if the new series will have Ogura san. If not, I'll miss their interaction.
VS Arashi! Going strong! Whee! Finally a golden slot ne? I miss the Choice Ouji (Prince) Nino...He doesn't seem to doing pipe choice very often these days. MDA is back. Poor Ohno who got his first MDA for something that's not his fault. Hah! Just because the Plus One guest is not part of Arashi ne? Haha.
Himitsu no Arashi Chan! My next favourite after Mago Mago. Seriously, I love VIP Room and Mannequin 5! Utterly hilarious corners. They should keep doing it! More hilarious guests please! Onegaishimasu! And I seriously don't recall any episodes of VIP Room where the guest chose Nino as her favourite Arashi member! Cannot be! Haha. I really should go dig. It's probably somewhere. Toda Erika probably should go on VIP Room, she'll probably pick Nino! Hehe! Her Nii-chan! :)
Odoroki no Arashi is probably under Shukudai-kun ne? But it's been around since D no Arashi time? Or was it G no Arashi? Whatever it is, this always reminds me of all the Aibaka-ness. Seriously. I never thought that dry ice could be interesting or who would even think about construction boats made out of kelp, salt, paper, straw or even lego! But it's just so interesting ne? That's how A no Arashi managed to survive all these while. Haha. Though it might have been spun off to become things like Shiodome Aiba Land in Shukudai. Hehe. Baka experiments are always good for laughs. Especially when they are LONG Specials. :)
Ok enough about their variety shows. Music time! Troublemaker is just so catchy! But I love the other track in the single just as much! Yurase, Ima Wo. NICE NICE NICE! Gah! Somebody stop the "sweet, sweet" and "do it, do it" that is replaying in my head all the time! *dances* Being away from Arashi music for quite some time, I had a lot of catching up to do. I still can't believe that I missed the time when Believe was released. It's such a NICE SONG! But too bad, I haven't got the time to go watch Yatta-Man! Sorry Sho. :P
I guess Arashi has grown not only as a group but also as individuals.
Aiba has always been considered as the member that I pay the least attention to. But there are times when I'll think, "If the variety shows didn't have Aiba, they probably won't be as funny."
As for MatsuJun, his popularity is really sky rocketing eh? HanaDan was really a big hit ne? And recently, I've been seeing a lot of Juntoshi action going around. NOOO! Ohmiya is still my OTP!
Sho's really one that amazes me. All the Sho!fail in variety shows you see really don't reflect how amazing he can be. Always the Keio boy. I'll like to think that it's all calculated !fail. He's too smart to always fail. LOL. Way to go News Caster Sho! I should find the time to go watch News Zero and watch him casting news. Probably that will add more marks to my impression of him. :) Oh, and I must mention, SakuRap is Da Bomb! :)
Nino has officially been promoted from being my Ni-ban to my Ichi-ban! And no no, Ohno has not been demoted to Ni-ban, but I've decided that both are my Ichi-bans! The gap between these 2 has never been too great since I first liked them, but I could always feel some slight biasness towards Ohno in the past, but now, I can't seem to tear my eyes away from both. I guess all the acting that Nino did really closed the gap. I love to see Nino act and I'm proud of all his acting achievements. Seriously. Can't wait for his new movies to come out. But I think that will only be next year? Gantz!
Ohno is still Ichi-ban, sharing top spot with Nino. Heh. His artworks never fail to amaze me. His dance is like fluid and his singing just melts me. Haha. Exaggerating much? LOL! But they are really good! After contemplating for years, yes, years, I've finally decided to splash the cash on his art exhibition book, Freestyle! I decided that his art is too good and I just need to have it. :) His non-existence as the leader of Arashi, yet is always respected for being Riida, is just amazing. He is like a walking irony. HAHA! The MOST unleader-like leader. But all that fishing he is doing now is really showing. He is still as black as ever! But it's ok. It makes him stand out! Haha! I just pity the make-up artist. Heh.
I guess there is no end to my spazz about Arashi ne? I would love to go on and on and on about their dramas, their movies, the pairings...OHMIYA! But I guess I need to learn some self control. Hehe. So I'll end off with a couple of pictures. I swear no pic spam this time. Just one picture that my bro did for me for my wallie with their "Believe" single cover and one Ohmiya Rabu pic! Don't you dare say gay! It's just cute. :)
Until next time!